29 December 2011

At times like these, you have to cool you head... And think only of what's ahead. Regret is a powerful poison. The more you harbor those thoughts, the harder it is to move on

At times like these, you have to cool you head... And think only of what's ahead. Regret is a powerful poison. The more you harbor those thoughts, the harder it is to move on.
author/artist: Iwashiro Toshiaki

Resistance is futile

Resistance is futile.
author/artist: Iwashiro Toshiaki

28 December 2011

23 December 2011

If it is work that you like doing, then you should make a happier face

If it is work that you like doing, then you should make a happier face.
Defense Devil
author: Youn In-wan
artist: Yang Kyung-il

22 December 2011

Even if the earth will be ruined tomorrow, I'll plant an apple tree today

Even if the earth will be ruined tomorrow, I'll plant an apple tree today.
Defense Devil
author: Youn In-wan
artist: Yang Kyung-il

13 December 2011

10 December 2011

...If people lose their ability to trust, it's all over for mankind

...If people lose their ability to trust, it's all over for mankind.
Samurai Champloo
author: Manglobe
artist: Gotsubo Masaru